Principles Program Exam Information + Application
OPBA's Principles of Effective Public Procurement Program culminates with a final exam that earns you your Principles Certificate. The exam is offered three times (3x) per year taking place over the first week of March, June and November. Exam writers choose their preferred timing to write the two (2) hour exam at any point during their exam week. Once the exam has been triggered to start by the writer, there is no ability to pause or rewind the 2-hour countdown, so we encourage all exam writers to ensure they have a solid wifi connection for an uninterrupted 2-hour period. The Principles exam is written on the learning management platform Brightspace - once your exam application is approved, you will receive instruction on next steps and accessing Brightspace. 

The Principles Exam Prep course provides a fulsome overview of what to expect when you write your exam, and is offered the month prior to the exam window: in February, May and October. Click here to review the course/event schedule and find the next Exam Prep Course coming up.

Please complete the form below to apply to write the June 2025 Principles Exam. Do not apply if you are not intending to write the June exam - the November exam application will be available as of early-mid June. Applications must be complete and submitted by end of day May 23, 2025 to write the June 2025 exam.

You will receive the link to register and pay the exam fee after your application is approved - do not register before applying as you will not be admitted to write the exam.

The requirements to be eligible to write this exam have recently changed, please see the below table and dates outlined that reflect and current and new criteria: 
Current Principles Exam Criteria New Principles Exam Criteria as of Sept. 1, 2025
5 Core Courses:
Introduction to Public Procurement
Procurement and the Law
Risk Management
Competitive Bidding
Advanced Competitive Bidding

7 Core Courses:
Introduction to Public Procurement
Procurement and the Law
Risk Management
Competitive Bidding
Advanced Competitive Bidding
Co-operative Procurement
Introduction to Construction
1 of 3 Elective Courses:
Co-operative Procurement
Introduction to Construction
Advanced Construction

No Elective Requirement

2 Additional Workshops: this can be an OPBA workshop such as Coffee with Counsel, OPBA Talks, OPBA Ignite, Spring/Fall workshops, annual conference, or events/webinars from other procurement related associations/groups, ie NIGP, NISCL, etc. 2 Additional Workshops: this can be an OPBA workshop such as Coffee with Counsel, OPBA Talks, OPBA Ignite, Spring/Fall workshops, annual conference, or events/webinars from other procurement related associations/groups, ie NIGP, NISCL, etc.

How Do These Changes Apply? 
Learners who are currently enrolled and want to write their exam under the current criteria: you must complete all course requirements by September 1 and be prepared to write the exam in November 2025. Course requirements include five (5) mandatory courses, one (1) elective, plus two (2) additional workshops.
Learners who enroll between March 1 – August 31 and want to write their exam under the current criteria: the above applies. If courses are not completed by September 1, the requirements outlined below apply.
Learners who enroll on September 1 onward, or who were previously enrolled but were not eligible to write the exam by November 2025: you must complete all new course requirements and write the exam. Course requirements include seven (7) mandatory courses, plus two (2) additional workshops.

Please note the Exam Prep Course does not count as an elective or additional workshop.

Please refer to the Principles of Effective Public Procurement Certificate Program Handbook for more details information.

Please refer to our refund + payment policy for information regarding cancelations and/or refunds.

Choose 1

Select all that apply

Ensure the name entered above is as it appears on your government-issued identification, which will
be used for verification by the proctoring service prior to writing the exam.