9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Eastern
March 14, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Learning
Registration closes Thursday, March 6, 2025
Contractor/Supplier/Consultant (Suppliers) Performance Program (the Program) sets out the guidelines for managing the performance of Suppliers. The program is administered in accordance with the agency’s procurement policy. The project manager is responsible for administering the program in accordance with the policy.
The purpose of this training is to provide support with supplier performance trends that will be assessed over both the short and long term to provide suppliers with feedback and to facilitate continuous improvement, where required. Feedback from the project manager to the supplier will be provided through written evaluation as described below.
The objectives of this program are to:
- Ensure consistent compliance with the program through the completion of required documentation;
- Establish clear expectations and benchmarks that encourage responsibility and accountability that benefit both the supplier and the agency;
- Monitor and evaluate a supplier’s performance against the contractual requirements and deliverables;
- Address shortfalls in supplier performance; and
- Encourage continuous improvement through appropriate corrective action as necessary.
Instructor: Michelle Rasiulis, CSCMP, CPPB, NIGP-CPP
This three (3) hour Zoom virtual learning seminar has one (1) online session:
Friday, March 14, 2025 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Zoom meeting link and login information will be distributed before the first session.
Students are advised that they must attend the session in full to receive course credit. A student that arrives late to a course or has been found to be away or inactive for a duration of the session may not receive their credit. The decision to not grant credit shall be at the discretion of the the facilitator to the session and the Director of Professional Development.
Please note, there is no pre-work for this course.
Please refer to our refund + payment policy for information regarding cancelations and/or refunds.