6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern
June 17 + 18, 2025
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Virtual Learning
Online via Zoom
Registration closes June 10, 2025
This course gives a detailed examination of the tendering & request for proposal processes. It includes concepts, issues and the resolution of issues relating to preparing and issuing the procurement documents as well as the ultimate receiving, opening and checking of bids. Participants will be given an overview of the various components comprising tenders and request for proposals documents and the differences of each.
Learning Objectives:
• Define competitive bidding and its basic elements
• Describe the many procurement document formats and their use
• Explain a variety of bidder candidacy restrictions
• Outline the aspects associated with the development of a bid document
• Explain the purpose of pre-bid meetings; along with when to use them effectively and pitfalls to watch for
• Outline the alternatives to competitive bidding
Instructor: Marie Kavanagh, CPPO, CPPB, NIGP-CPP
This six (6) hour Zoom virtual learning seminar has two (2) online sessions:
Tuesday, June 17 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, June 18 at 6:00pm - 9:00pm
The Zoom meeting link and login information will be distributed before the first session.
Students are advised that they must attend both sessions in full to receive course credit. A student that arrives late to a course or has been found to be away or inactive for a duration of the session may not receive their credit. The decision to not grant credit shall be at the discretion of the the facilitator to the session and the Director of Professional Development.
Students will receive a short pre-work assignment to complete approximately 10 days before the first session.
Learn more about the Zoom platform and its system requirements here. Remember to use a wired internet connection (as opposed to wi-fi, if possible) for the best viewing experience.
OPBA Principles Program seminars are designed for student participation. In order to get the most out of the session and ensure two-way discussion, students are encouraged to fully participate by having camera and microphone on during the virtual session, or to actively participate in chat where access to a A/V equipment is not possible.
Students are also encouraged to maintain a respectful learning environment by minimizing multi-tasking distractions, and background noise. Please ensure mobile phones and computer notifications are off or muted, and place yourself on mute until you want to or are called upon to speak.
Program Textbook: The Principles of Effective Public Procurement 2024 Edition textbook augments the course content and is the only study guide for the final exam, but is not required for in-class learning. Students who are currently registered in an OPBA seminar qualify to purchase the textbook at a discounted rate from the OPBA Store.
Program Enrolment: If you plan to apply this seminar toward the Principles of Effective Public Procurement certificate program, you must enrol in the program within nine (9) months of completing this seminar.
Space is limited: Register early to avoid disappointment. There will be a $25 late fee applied to join this course after the registration deadline. Please email members@opba.ca to request a late registration.
Cancelations: Course fees are nontransferable to other courses. Please refer to our refund + payment policy for information regarding cancelations and/or refunds
Registration Fees:
Title | Fee | Valid Dates | Member Status | Points | CEUs | Hours |
Virtual Learning Member Rate | $231.75 | Available until June 10, 2025 | Members Only | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 6.0000 |
Virtual Learning - Non Member | $283.25 | Available until June 10, 2025 | All Registrants | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 6.0000 |
Registration closes June 10, 2025